个人档案<男|离异|1956年08月出生|属猴|狮子座|身高:173cm|血型:A型|本科|汉族|宗教信仰:佛教|商业|职业类型:企业/机构高级管理人员,厂长经理等|平均月收入:12000 - 20000元人民币|户籍地区:加拿大温哥华|居住地区:国际加拿大温哥华>
男,1956年8月生,离异,身高173厘米,本科学历,商业,平均月收入12000 - 20000元人民币。在加拿大温哥华居住,有婚房。A lot of great humour and genuineness. Positive, honesty, affection. Anti-games, Active. Not looking for anything more than what I can give in return. 我们相遇,可能是我们前世互有所欠。Warm hearted,well educated and easy going,family-orientied, tender and nice. 有个性, 但是善良; 财够用, 但才也不少。希望寻找:出得厅堂,下得厨房。能给我全心全意的爱和一个温馨的家。Looking for someone straight-up and well diversified. In touch with their feelings, fun-loving, passionate about life and the world around them. 征婚地区:不限。